Welcome to my new blog 🎉

It's really great to be writing this (sort of) first post on my new blog. Like all good engineers, I started off by writing a blog framework 🤦‍♂️ so it's nice to now be writing some content.

My motivations for blogging are broadly two fold:

  • Firstly, I'd like to have somewhere to distill and clarify my own thoughts. Much like teaching, I think that writing really pushes you to consider a topic from new perspectives, and I hope to gain some benefit from doing this.
  • Secondly, I'd like to have a place where I can archive my own thoughts. Ideally I'll refer back to this blog for my own 'best-practices', and gradually it can be a place where I get to see which of my ideas stand the test of time. I doubt this will help me in the short term, but maybe in 20 years I'll be a better engineer!

So, for the time being my missives will be mostly aimed at my personal development, but perhaps one day - by some happy accident - something I write may prove helpful to others on their own journey.

I don't know yet what I'll want to write about, but I'd say my guiding interest is: how can 'good' software be written in practice? I think that's as much a social problem as it is a technical one, so I hope to capture some dispatches from the frontline of this intersection.

Thanks in anticipation!


I have already put together one post 'an intuition on eigenvectors' unrelated to the theme I just suggested. It brings together some visualisations I made when playing with the Python library plotnine (a great compositional charting library based on the Grammar of Graphics idea). I enjoyed writing up these notes, and it pushed me to add maths and inline-video support to the blog.